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TileFlow: Publications
A CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) Modeling Software Tool for Data Centers
List of publications...
- Optimizing Cooling Performance of a Data Center Using CFD Simulation and Measurements. ASHRAE Journal, 60 (7): 22-30, 2018. (pdf)
- CFD Modeling of an Existing Raised-Floor Data Center. Semi-Therm 29. 2013.
- Use of Passive Rear-Door Heat Exchangers to Cool Low to Moderate Heat Loads. ASHRAE Paper No. ML-11-C004. 2011.
- Prediction of Distributed Air Leakage in Raised-Floor Data Centers. ASHRAE Trans., Vol. 113, Part 1, pp. 219-226, 2007.
- Analysis of Airflow Distribution Across a Front-to-Rear Server Rack. Paper No. IPack2007-33574, ASME InterPack ’07. 2007.
- Airflow Distribution Through Perforated Tiles in Raised-Floor Data Centers. Building and Environment, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 734-744, 2006.
- Distributed Leakage Flow in Raised-Floor Data Centers. Ipack2005-73273. ASME InterPack'05. 2005. (pdf)
- Distribution of Cooling Airflow in a Raised-Floor Data Center. ASHRAE Trans., Vol. 110, Part 2, pp. 629-635, 2004.
- Raised-Floor Data Center: Perforated Tile Flow Rates for Various Tile Layouts. Itherm 2004. (pdf)
- Use of Computational Fluid Dynamics for Calculating Flow Rates Through Perforated Tiles in Raised-Floor Data Centers. HVAC&R Research, Vol. 9, pp. 153-166, 2003. (pdf)
- Techniques for Controlling Airflow Distribution in Raised-Floor Data Centers. InterPack2003-35282. InterPack'03. 2003. (pdf)
- Measurements and Predictions of Flow Distribution Through Perforated Tiles in Raised-Floor Data Centers. Ipack2001-15728. InterPack'01. 2001. (pdf)
White papers
- Cold-Aisle and Hot-Aisle Containment. 7x24 Magazine, Fall 2012.
- Relationship Between Heat Load and Cooling Airflow Rate. (pdf)
- A Comparison of Back-to-Back and Distributed Arrangements for Placing the CRAC Units. (pdf)
- Distributed Leakage Airflow in Raised-Floor Data Centers. (pdf)
- Airflow Modeling: An Effective Tool for Improving Cooling Performance of Data Centers. (pdf)
- Application of TileFlow to Improve Cooling in a Data Center. (pdf)