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Critical Facilities Summit

Critical Facilities Summit
Oct. 5-7, 2015, Charlotte, NC

Critical Facilities Summit

October 5-7, 2015
Charlotte Convention Center
Charlotte, NC

Educational Session: Applying CFD Modeling to Optimize Data Center Cooling 

Tuesday, Oct. 6, 8:00 A.M., Room: 203B
Dr. Amir Radmehr, Director, Member of Technical Staff, Innovative Research, Inc./TileFlow

This spotlight session will cover the data needed to construct an accurate CFD model of the data center, describe the techniques to solve the fluid dynamics equations, and demonstrate the outcome of the CFD calculations. After examining the results for the base layout of the data center, various modifications to the layout will be examined to optimize cooling and reduce energy consumption.

For conference details, visit http://www.criticalfacilitiessummit.com/.

Visit us at Booth# 534. We will be presenting a new version of TileFlow (Version 5.7). 
